Steel is not the only lucrative metal in the industry. Click through for a deeper look at the upcoming opportunities in the nickel market.
GRP’s Commitment to Employee Welfare and Health through Vaccination

Steel is not the only lucrative metal in the industry. Click through for a deeper look at the upcoming opportunities in the nickel market.
GRP’s Investment Towards a Green Future Climate change and global warming has been the priority of many large-scale businesses globally in recent years, and rightfully so. The global temperature is increasing at an alarming rate due to the significant increment of greenhouse gas emissions in various industries. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is at a… Continue reading GRP’s Investment Towards a Green Future
Humanity Above All: GRP Chipping in to Help Despite Challenges in the Economy To say that the pandemic has changed the world would be an understatement. Over the span of a few months, people from across the globe had to adjust to an entirely new way of life with minimal social interaction and maximum protection,… Continue reading Humanity Above All: GRP Chipping in to Help Despite Challenges in the Economy
GRP Uplifts its Employee in the Age of the Pandemic It is not surprising to know that the pandemic brought about a wave of changes to the world – undesirable changes, to be specific. Disruptions rocked almost every person, household, school, and company. Plenty of lives and livelihoods were lost. Beyond that, a rise in… Continue reading GRP Uplifts its Employee in the Age of the Pandemic